Happy 2015!

Happy New Year, friends! Yes, I realize it's already January 7 (where is this year going?), but this is only the second day that the boys have been back at school, so I have been trying to get my ducks in a row after the holidays. I just wanted to share a couple of things and then I will get back to slipcovers (and maybe some diys - have you been following along on FB and IG?).

First, for the last few years I have been choosing one word for the year (you can see my previous words here and here). This year my word is Faith. I chose it based on this quote by Angie Smith in a recent She Reads Truth devotional:

"The kind of faith God wants—the kind that is credited to us as righteousness—is that of Abraham’s, who believed in spite of his circumstances (Romans 4:19-21).

It’s the belief that lifts our heads from the words on the page and looks to the God who speaks them over us.

It’s the trust that comes when everything around you says, “impossible,” and yet you dare to hope anyway.

It’s the audacity to believe that His promises apply to us."

I love that last line; I wrote it on the chalk board above my desk right away. Faith, real faith that has God as it's object and isn't just a feel-good notion, really is audacious, isn't it?

In the past few months, as a family we have started down some paths that, regardless of the outcomes, are requiring ongoing faith in God's promises and purposes. If and when I am able, I will share more. For now, this is the word I need.

August Blues - Faith 2015
August Blues - Faith 2015

Second, and on a lighter note, I thought I would share my top 3 posts of 2014. It's always interesting to see what grabs peoples' attention :)

3. Designer Couch Makeover

August Blues - Couch After
August Blues - Couch After
August Blues - Dropcloth Ottoman Pleats
August Blues - Dropcloth Ottoman Pleats

1. Wing Chair Slipcover 2.0 (technically published in 2013, but mostly viewed in 2014)

August Blues - Floral Slipcover
August Blues - Floral Slipcover

Wishing all of you a wonderful new year!


Rustic Charm

I took a little break from all the linen to work with grain sack fabric for this pair of chairs. finished and delivered just in time for Thanksgiving :) My client found these chairs and thought they would be great extra chairs to have on hand when extra seats are needed. I think she said they originally came from a vintage travel trailer (great pieces can come from lots of different places!). They are sturdy and the perfect size for extra seating, but they definitely needed a new look!

August Blues - Chair Before
August Blues - Chair Before

We decided grain sack fabric would be perfect, so she purchased a couple of pieces as soon as Decor Steals posted their selections for sale. I LOVE this fabric (you can see another grain sack project I did here)! And I think a simple slipcover design shows it off best...

August Blues - Finished Vignette
August Blues - Finished Vignette
August Blues - Stripes
August Blues - Stripes

Just top-stitching along the seams...

August Blues - Top-Stitching
August Blues - Top-Stitching

And then a little something special for the back...

August Blues - Back and Front
August Blues - Back and Front
August Blues - Back Buttons
August Blues - Back Buttons

My client's reaction? "Those buttons are so me!" The best compliment :) In this case, the buttons are purely decorative - the chairs are straight enough that an extra opening is not required.

August Blues - Striped Chairs
August Blues - Striped Chairs

Happy Thanksgiving!
